Deploying Windows 8 (and Windows 8.1) with Configuration Manager 2012 R2 is easy to do, here are some guides for that:-
- CM12 in a Lab – How can I deploy Windows 8.1 using System Center 2012 R2 Configuration Manager ?
- CM12 in a Lab – How can I deploy Windows 8 X64 to the Microsoft Surface Pro using Configuration Manager 2012 SP1 ?
However, you may randomly see errors after first login to Windows 8 which states
The Group Policy Client service failed the sign-in.
The universal unique identifier (UUID) type is not supported.
as shown in the screenshot below:
The fix is finally available from Microsoft as detailed in the KB article here and there are two workarounds shown below:-
Workaround 1
Add a restart to the end of the task sequence list for the image deployment. Modify the System Center Configuration Manager task sequence for the image by using SMSTSPostAction shutdown /r /t 0 as the last task before completing the build.
as I’ve shown in the screenshot below
Workaround 2
Separate the Group Policy service into a separate SVCHOST instance. Implement the following command in the System Center Configuration Manager task sequence to set the corresponding registry entry:
cmd /c reg add "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\gpsvc" /v Type /t REG_DWORD /d 0x10 /f
If you get the UUID problem mentioned above use one of the two workarounds and your problem will be resolved. Thanks to Michael Niehaus for alerting us to the KB.