ok you are using Offline mode in Windows PE and you notice it’s not migrating your wallpaper amongst other things.
Well all hope is not lost, you can simply make some new XML files and add them to your existing USMT 4 package to migrate the additional stuff, in this example we will migrate the wallpaper.
Please note: the following has been tested successfully with the guide here:
Add the wallpaper.xml file to your USMT 4 package
locate your USMT 4 package and copy the following file to it
Edit your Runscanstate
edit your Runscanstate.bat file so that it has the following appended to it
the entire line should look like so
@set USMT_WORKING_DIR=%~2%\USMTbits\x86
“%~2\USMTbits\x86\scanstate.exe” “%~1” /c /o /hardlink /efs:hardlink /nocompress /offlinewindir:c:\windows /v:5 /l:%~2\SMSTSLog\scanstate.log /progress:%~2\SMSTSLog\scanstateprogress.log /i:%~2\USMTbits\x86\miguser.xml /i:%~2\USMTbits\x86\migapp.xml /i:%~2\USMTbits\x86\wallpaper.xml
Update the distribution points for BOTH packages above, and do your offline in WinPE tests again, notice the difference ?
1. USMT Custom XML the Free and Easy Way – Technet blogs
2. Offline Migration – Technet
3. Offline mode in WinPE via a Task Sequence in SCCM – windows-noob